Pink Diamond Education
Pink Kimberley is a successful and unique jewellery brand founded in 2008 by one of Australia’s leading jewellery industry families.
Harnessing the very rare and beautiful pink diamonds from the famous Argyle Diamond Mine located in the remote East Kimberley region of Western Australia, Pink Kimberley is the only pink diamond jewellery brand to establish its own manufacturing and wholesale distribution anywhere in the world.
From concept, source, design, manufacture and marketing Pink Kimberley has become the leading supplier in the pink diamond jewellery category, with significant brand development and growth achieved in almost a decade of operation.
Sourcing and Manufacture

Pink Kimberley relies on the exclusive and tightly controlled supply of rare natural pink diamonds from the Argyle Diamond Mine. This involves bidding by special invitation from the Mine during its periodic auction process, or from other selected traders with similar exclusive access to the Mine’s output.
Argyle pink diamonds are generally considered amongst the rarest and most valuable diamonds in the world, with prices greatly surpassing the value of traditional white diamonds. As a significant buyer of these loose pink stones SGA has become a noted on-seller building a substantial wholesale customer base reliant on the large and valuable inventory held by SGA.
Once SGA identified the opportunity to design and manufacture its own finished pieces of pink diamond jewellery, it chose to distribute its stunning collection through a newly created brand with carefully selected Retail Partners. Thus Pink Kimberley was born. This unique production and distribution has enabled significant growth and sales success for Pink Kimberley over recent years.
Pink Kimberley jewellery is designed to specifically highlight the precious pink diamonds with distinctive styles sympathetic to the variety of size, colour and cut of the Argyle Mine’s pink diamond production. Due to the limited availability of stones many pieces are unique, giving the collection outstanding marketable attributes, strong in margin and free from competitive comparisons.
Argyle pink diamonds

In October 1979, a group of geologists in a rugged part of Western Australia sighted a glimmer in an anthill. The glimmer was from diamonds and the anthill was located in the heart of a region known as East Kimberley. It was history in the making and little did they know they were about to uncover a find of such significance that it would change the diamond industry forever.
The Argyle Diamond Mine opened on the site in 1985 and it soon became one of the largest producers supplying around 20% of the globe’s diamond supply. Just one tenth of one percent of the Argyle Diamond Mine’s production is pink, this small volume representing 90% of the world’s natural pink diamonds each year. Offering an intensity of colour that is unmatched by any other pink diamond source in the world the presence of colour in these pink diamonds remains a mystery, but it is certain it is not derived through a predominant trace element or impurity.
Exactly what give pink diamonds their amazing colour remains a mystery and the subject of ongoing research and debate by leading gemmologists around the world. Diamonds are formed under extraordinary heat and pressure beneath the Earth’s surface and as that pressure rises, the diamonds are pushed closer to the earth’s surface. It is generally believed that the pink colour is caused by a twist in the atomic lattice during formation. This simply adds to the mystery and unique nature of an Argyle pink diamond.
The Argyle Method for grading coloured diamonds

Argyle is the largest producer of pink diamonds in the world and the Argyle Pink Diamond Grading System is an internationally recognised grading system for coloured diamonds.
For white diamonds the grading process is fairly rudimentary. However, with pink diamonds there is one measure that is far more important than the others - and it is the Colour of the diamond; both the actual colour and its intensity. It’s this that determines the value of a pink diamond. Yes, Clarity is important but it’s secondary to Colour, followed by Carat Weight and Cut.
To grade the colour of a diamond, Argyle considers the following 3 attributes:
1. HUE - Refers to the dominant colour of the diamond. RED, PP (Purplish Pink), P (Pink), PR (Pink Rose), PC (Pink Champagne), BL (Blue Violet)
2. SATURATION - Indicates the strength of colour.
3. TONE - Is the amount of lightness or darkness in the diamond.
Each stone is given a grade for colour intensity on a scale from 1 to 9 with 1 being the most intense colour and 9 being the least.
Example: 4PP = 4 Intensity, Purplish Pink
Pink Diamond Rarity & Pricing

Each pink diamond carries its very own fingerprint made up of colour, size, clarity and shape. Due to the nature of their formation, pink diamonds feature natural inclusions or characteristics. The clarity of an Argyle pink diamond is usually graded as SI or Pique grade. The higher purity pink diamonds such as a VVS or VS are quite rare. It should also be noted that it is extremely rare to find two pink diamonds that are a perfect match especially in sizes over 0.20ct. As a result, larger matching pink diamonds carry an additional premium in price.
Every Argyle pink diamond over fifteen points (0.15 carats) is laser inscribed on the girdle with a unique lot number. This is only visible under magnification and each stone is issued with an Argyle Pink Diamonds Gem Identification Certificate. This certificate alone carries an extra premium over diamonds that are uncertified.
While clarity and carat weight ordinarily impact the value of white diamonds, these characteristics are less of a consideration in the value determination of Argyle pink diamonds, with the focus instead being on strength or saturation of colour.
Argyle Tender Diamonds

Since 1985, Argyle Pink Diamonds has held a highly prestigious and exclusive annual event to sell their most exceptional and desirable diamonds for the year. Known as the Argyle Diamond Tender, it usually comprises 40-60 of the best pink diamonds in the world. The most valuable diamond in each tender is given the honorary title of “hero stone” and occasionally this will be a rare brilliant red or violet blue diamond. When the Argyle Tender Diamonds includes either of these it attracts enormous attention due to its rarity and value.
Considerable marketing is associated with the Argyle Tender including publicity events and showings held both in Australia and overseas. The Tender Collection travels the world to be presented at private viewings exclusively for collectors and investors. Only the most prominent members of the diamond industry are invited by Argyle to have the opportunity to view and inspect the Tender diamonds. Each diamond offered is a rare and individual piece of natural beauty. Each is given a special Argyle Tender Lot number for that particular year and presented in a handmade box. Attention to detail with the presentation leaves no doubt of the luxury and supreme importance of these stones.
This process allows Argyle to maximise the price it receives for each of these diamonds which can range anywhere from US$100,000 to well over US$1,000,000. Only those invited can make a bid that remains secret and must be submitted to Argyle by an exact date and time. Generally, an individual or company that submits the highest bid secures the right to purchase that tender diamond.
Because of business history and a longstanding relationship with Argyle, Pink Kimberley is invited to attend this private viewing each year. It’s here that we compete against the most prominent names in the world to purchase the rarest and most precious new diamonds available. In 2013, Pink Kimberley successfully acquired 10 of the Argyle Tender Diamonds, 3 in 2014 and 9 tender diamonds in 2015. Being involved in this remarkable event gives Pink Kimberley international exposure and the ability to create jewellery designed for wealthy clients in addition to the more commercial jewellery available in our catalogue.
Selling Tips
Handle with Care
Our Jewellery is made from high quality materials, so it’s robust and durable. However, the fact remains it is fine jewellery and should be handled in accordance with anything that is precious and rare. Doing so will minimise the risk of accidental damage and help maintain the pristine condition and value of your stock.
One item at a time
Recognising the importance of design and individual style, Pink Kimberley offers a wide range for selection. Presenting too many alternatives at one time may overwhelm your client, which can make closing a sale problematic. Furthermore, the more additional items removed from the case to show a client, the more difficult it becomes to monitor them closely, increasing the risk of a loss.
The Expert in the Room
Clients will have wildly different levels of knowledge and interest on the subject of diamonds and it’s important to assess this from the very beginning. If a client has been misinformed, there’s a high risk their decisions will be based on information that’s misguided or simply untrue. Your role is to facilitate purchase decisions by providing your expert knowledge and advice.
Stand and Deliver
At an appropriate step as you approach the end of the sales process, our experts recommend that you introduce and present the various Diamond Reports/Certificates that accompany the piece of jewellery your client is considering to purchase. This will provide the opportunity for ‘show and tell’ using the documents to explain and discuss the unique features of each diamond (the pink diamonds in particular). This is important information to share that will help your clients understand the rare and valuable nature of the purchase.
Extra Educational Blogs on Pink Kimberley
Investor Information
- Argyle Authenticity - What To Look Out For
- Consistent Portfolio Growth During Times of Uncertainty
- The Investment Advantages of an Argyle pink diamond
- What Makes a Good Investment Diamond?
- What Next for Australia's Diamond Industry?
- What to Look for When Investing in a Pink Diamond
- Why Buy an Argyle pink diamond
- Why are Argyle pink diamonds so valuable?